Weather in Malta: Climate, Seasons, and Average Monthly Temperature

Domes and roofs of Valletta , Malta
KavalenkavaVolha / Getty Images

Visitors are drawn to the Mediterranean island nation of Malta for its culture and history, sparkling clear seas, and warm climate. Located south of Sicily and north of the coast of Tunisia and Algeria, Malta's weather and climate are similar to North African countries. As the warmest country in Europe, Malta is a year-round destination for sun lovers while warm sea temperatures mean you can swim from early spring well into October.

Summers in Malta are very hot and dry. Spring and fall are short seasons and still quite warm. Winters are warm by continental standards, as it's rare for temperatures to dip below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). Winter is the rainiest season, but that's also relative—Malta gets fewer than 24 inches of rain the entire year. Summer is the busiest season, with the months of July to September seeing crowded beach resorts, attractions, and cities, as well as the highest prices of the year.

Fast Climate Facts

  • Hottest Month: August (81 F / 27 C)
  • Coldest Months: January and February (55 F / 13 C)
  • Wettest Month: December (4.3 inches / 109 mm)
  • Best Months for Swimming: July, August, and September

Drinking Water in Malta

You'll need to stay hydrated during Malta's hot, sunny summer months. There's a long-held misconception that tap water in Malta is not safe to drink. Because it's desalinated seawater, it has a mineral-heavy taste, but it is not toxic or dangerous. Still, you won't see many places to refill a reusable water bottle—the majority of residents and visitors rely on bottled water.

Spring in Malta

Spring in Malta is a short season, as cool winter temperatures quickly give way to summer temps. March starts off in the high 50s F and by May, temperatures have reached the high 60s, if not warmer. Spring evenings are still cool, with temperatures dipping down to the low 50s to low 60s—possibly a bit chilly for eating dinner outside. The hearty will head to the beach at the first sign of spring, but we find it's a better season for sightseeing than beachgoing. It's an especially good time to visit Malta's many archaeological sites that, while fascinating, can be brutally hot and sunny in the summer. You probably won't need an umbrella in the spring, but you may still want to bring sunglasses and a wide-brim hat.

What to pack: Pack lightweight pants and both long- and short-sleeved shirts. Since nights may be cool—especially in early spring—bring a lightweight jacket and a sweater or two. There's very little rainfall in the spring, but pack a collapsable umbrella to be on the safe side. Sandals or lightweight shoes are great in cities, though you may want something sturdier for traipsing around archaeological sites.

Average Temperatures and Rainfall by Month:

  • March: 63 F / 51 F (17 C / 11 C); 1.75 inches (44 mm)
  • April: 68 F / 54 F (20 C / 12 C); 0.8 inches (21 mm)
  • May: 75 F / 60 F (24 C / 16 C); 0.6 inches (16 mm)

Summer in Malta

Summers in Malta are extremely hot and dry, with long sunny days. Temperatures top out in the high 80s but can go much higher. In June, July, and August, rainfall is practically non-existent. Temperatures might be cooled slightly by evening breezes off the sea. Summer is the busiest season in Malta, so beaches, city plazas, and outdoor restaurants will be crowded. If you're planning a summer trip, reserve hotels and rentals cars well in advance, both to ensure availability and avoid premium pricing.

What to pack: Pack light! You'll want lightweight knits or sweat-wicking fabrics in your suitcase. Shorts, lightweight slacks, and short-sleeved shirts are good during the day. Men should consider collared short-sleeved shirts for dinners out, and women might want to pack sundresses, lightweight skirts, and blouses. Under the hot summer sun, you'll want a wide-brim hat and sunglasses, as well as sunscreen. For the rare cool evening, bring a lightweight jacket or scarf.

Average Temperatures and Rainfall by Month:

  • June: 84 F / 66 F (30 C / 19 C); 0.2 inches (5 mm)
  • July: 89 F / 71 F (32 C / 22 C); 0.01 inches (.3 mm)
  • August: 89 F / 73 F (32 C / 23 C); 0.5 inches (13 mm)

Fall in Malta

Fall in Malta is really just a few weeks long, especially since the weather in September is so similar to that of August. September does see more rainfall than the summer months, but warm temperatures mean people still swim in the sea well into October. Rainfall picks up in October and November, but it's never really torrential. For many, this is a great time to visit Malta, when there's still plenty of warm weather and sunshine, but a lot thinner crowds. You can pretty well plan on warm, mostly sunny days and slightly cooler nights, perfect for dining al fresco.

What to pack: Bring a mix of long- and short-sleeved clothing, but nothing too heavy. In September, err on the light side, with shorts and lightweight slacks and tops. Bring a lightweight jacket or sweater for cool evenings out. Into October and November, you'll want more long-sleeved items—we suggest bringing several lightweight items suitable for layering. You'll also want to pack an umbrella for these months.

Average Temperatures and Rainfall by Month:

  • September: 83 F / 69 F (28 C / 21 C); 2.3 inches (59 mm)
  • October: 77 F / 65 F (25 C / 18 C); 3.25 inches (83 mm)
  • November: 69 F / 58 F (21 C / 15 C); 3.5 inches (92 mm)

Winter in Malta

Malta's mild winters are a huge draw for Brits and northern Europeans, who escape cold, dreary weather for some sunshine and warm temperatures. It never gets really cold in Malta in winter, even when some cold northern winds blow through. While the sea is too cold for swimming for most people, you'll still see some braves souls taking a dip. Otherwise, winter is a great time for visiting museums and archaeological sites, dining outdoors during the day, and shaking off the winter blues. Temperatures average around 55 degrees F (13 degrees C) from December through February. December and January are the rainiest months in Malta, with rain about 10 days each month.

What to pack: Think layers. While temperatures might reach into the 60s during the day, they'll likely cool down in the evening, meaning you'll want some warmer items and light- to medium-weight jacket. On most days, you'll be comfortable in jeans or slacks, a long-sleeved shirt, and a sweater. Sun-lovers might want to pack shorts and short-sleeved tops for warmer days. You'll want to pack an umbrella, especially in rainy December and January, when winds can also kick up.

Average Temperatures and Rainfall by Month:

  • December: 63 F / 53 F ( 17 C / 12 C); 4.3 inches (109 mm)
  • January: 60 F / 50 F (16 C / 10 C); 3.9 inches (99 mm)
  • February: 60 F / 50 F (16 C / 10 C); 2.4 inches (60 mm)